Team ERA


Hey! I’m Odin.

I am incredibly passionate about this human experience. About our potential. About who we are, in essence. Meeting heart to heart. I’m passionate about breath. I’m passionate about listening. Listening deep. And I’m passionate about a bunch of other things too – movement, food, sexuality, animals, nature, relationships, music, all kinds of play. I’m very much a multi-person. Multi-passionate. Open. Curious. Present. Grounded.

But when it comes to my direction in life, what I am here to give to the world – it is all about presence. Essence. Human evolution. Supporting humanity home to heart, to presence, connection, joy. To freedom. To building a new way of life and a new world – one meeting at a time. <3 I want to live in a world where there is place for all beings to thrive, and I’m committed to contributing to its creation.

I’m an educated cranio-sacral therapist/worker (2 year education). I’m training to be a Breathworker (9 month education). I’ve done courses and workshops for years, and I will keep doing workshops and courses. I have mentors and coaches. I invest my time, energy and money into this work. This is my life’s work, and I’m all in.

And, I’m very much a human being, like the rest of us. There are so many more sides to myself than I can express in a little text. Both «good» and «bad». Both beautiful and ugly. Both easy and hard. Profound & mundane, Soft and savage. I have my challenges and struggles as do we all – and I am really committed. Devoted. I deeply believe that you can only meet people as deeply as you’ve met yourself – so I make sure to meet myself fucking deeply, on the regular. Haha. With love and compassion for the process and the unfolding that is. And I’m learning that to balance all that time I spend in the depths of being and processing and holding space – it is VITAL that I’m connected to play, to laughter, to lightness. It’s all about balance.

I don’t feel I can summarise my life and my journey in a short text. There is no One turning point. There are so many. And my «spiritual journey» began at birth. I say that with no judgement for other people who come with different stories – I’ve spent plenty of time wishing my story had more of a clear turning point or point of spiritual awakening. I don’t feel I can summarise my life and my journey in a short text – but I hope that in the space that we are creating at Era there will be so many opportunities to get to know each other more, and I’m so incredibly excited for this next chapter, this New Era. So excited to co-create with you!

To be together. To give and to receive, to learn and to teach!


I will offer sessions that have their basis in visionary cranio-sacral work (which is bodywork / energywork), and I will be offering Rebirthing Breathwork sessions. And, I am also an intuitive healer- I show up to what is needed, however I can best serve you. Often that looks like a combination of working directly with your body, or/as well as conversation, sitting together in silence, breathing together, giving you guidance, or listening to what troubles or excites you – I’m there for all of it, and all of you are welcome. Each session lasts about 1,5 hours.

About Visionary Craniosacral therapy

To describe this work in a short summary while also doing it justice is no easy task, but I will give it my best shot to give you a simple understanding of what it is about.

I like to say that cranio-sacral work is so simple and so logical, anyone can understand it. And cranio-sacral work is so profound and so mysterious, none of us understand it.

The work is founded in the understanding that we are nature, and as nature, we know how to heal ourselves. It is built into our bodies, into our system. And with the right attention we can enter into these states of being where healing occurs naturally.
We «do» this by listening deeply to the clients body, and by witnessing them deeply, from a state of unconditional love and acceptance. Technically, we sense with our hands how the energy is moving through the body. This is a physical movement that, albeit very small, becomes very clear as we train our focus/sensitivity and learn to slow down and enter into expanded/meditative awareness. We observe and actively notice this movement – where does it flow freely? Where does it not? How does it want to move? And with our attention and presence, we support the client to move through and release traumas and blockages, so that energy may once again flow freely. The work is based in deep sensitivity, surrender and trust.

About Rebirthing Breathwork

In breathwork, the breath does the work.
Rebirthing breathwork is, at it’s heart, very akin to cranio-sacral work. It is about transformation. We use the breath to enter into these deeper states of being where magic begins to happen. Rebirthing breathwork is a dance between yin and yang. Active inhale and passive exhale. Action and surrender, hand in hand. We begin by breathing with passion and intensity, and that lays the foundation for us to journey within.

We go into process and we «feel it to heal it» – releasing emotions and pent up energy from our bodies, whether pain or pleasure, creating more space and freedom in our bodies and beings for energy to move. Connecting to parts of ourselves that we may well have forgotten existed, and holding them with love. Rewiring our brains and our nervous systems. Creating space for more of you and what you really are.

I like to call these modalities personal development on steroids, because they’re so direct. They allow us to go directly to the core and put in the work where I believe it matters most – in our bodies. The state of our body & nervous system directly effects everything else in our lives. It is our home, the foundation from which we operate. And the breath is an incredibly direct and tangible way of getting in touch with that.

I can’t wait to meet you!

PS – I’m Norwegian so if the English scares you, no worries – sometimes that’s just how I prefer to express myself.